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Thursday, 26 May 2016

BSU Got Talent 2016

www.bsugist.c om in collaboration with NewSkool Entertainment present

#BSUGotTalents.#BSUGotTalents is an online platform initiative organised for those talented students who have decided to make a difference with their lifes and showcase to the world that Benue State University got Talent . The concept behind BSU got Talent is to help reduce the unemployment rate of graduates in Benue and Nigeria at large by promoting their creative ideas to the general public.

    Weekly we source out for distinguished personalities in BSUM and do critical evaluation before showcasing their individual talents.

Are you a Dancer, Musician, Model, Poet, Graphics Designer, Video Producer,  Fashion designer , Cosmetologist , Comedian, Stylist, Artist , Inspirational/Motivational Speaker, etc...

Do you have the talent it takes?

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